Fusilli with Sun-dried Tomato Pesto

It's been busy past few days with lots of cooking for customers and baking a birthday cake. I've hardly had the time to sit down and write a post. Today has been a little more relaxing and easy going. I was in no mood to cook anything elaborate and made a pasta dish for lunch.

A jar of sun-dried tomatoes has been sitting in my refrigerator for a long time now and every time hubby peeks into the fridge, he sighs and says "when are you going to use this?". I had used a little of it for the Sun-dried Tomato Focaccia last week. I finally used a large portion of it today, and the jar is almost half empty; I made Sun-dried Tomato pesto. Goes great with just about anything...pasta, in a sandwich or even in a soup..totally jazzes up the dish.

Sun-dried Tomato Pesto :

You will need:

1 Cup Sun-dried tomato, julienned, in oil

¼ cup Dried Basil (or use 1 ½ cups fresh Basil)

½ cup Grated Parmesan

3 cloves Garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 cup Olive oil

Place the sun-dried tomatoes, basil, garlic, salt and pepper in the bowl of a food processor. Turn the processor on and slowly stream in the olive oil. Continue processing till the tomatoes are finely chopped. Stir in the grated parmesan. Transfer pesto to a bowl.

Fusili with Sun-dried Tomato Pesto:

You will need:

2 Cups dried Fusilli, Penne or any ridged dry pasta

1 quart water


1/2 cup prepared Sun-dried tomato pesto

Bring water to a boil. Add salt and dried pasta. Cook for 12 minutes; till pasta is done.

Drain pasta and reserve 1/4 cup of the cooking liquid. Toss the pasta with the Pesto and the cooking liquid.Add more salt if required. We had the pasta with store bought Garlic bread.

Pour a thin layer of olive oil on the pesto and store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.


  1. Sun dried tomatoes are just heavenly! Making pesto with them would surely be yummy. Nice one, Namratha! :)

  2. Basil with sundried tomatoes mmm the pesto looks so colorful and I can imagine how well they taste!!!

  3. Hi Nam, Thanks for stopping by my blog.:)
    This pesto looks so divine. Even I love pasta too much...bookmarked this version.
    btw, I am also going to make ur Pineapple pastry...but I am struggling with to find a 'Pineapple Extract' here.Hope will find soon and let u knw abt my result.:)

  4. Sonu, if you are unable to find Pineapple extract, you can substitute with Vanilla extract. Happy baking! :)

  5. Good gosh! Sun-dried tomatoes are one of my favorites. A pesto, oh yes, please. Gorgeous. I just might have to change my menu plan for tomorrow.

  6. I Love Sundried Tomatoes..Here it look's yummy. with pasta, it should have been a great Hit..

  7. That looks really yummy..Nice tomato pesto..

  8. Simply love sun dried tomatoes......I am sure Fusilli must have tasted saucy and yummy

  9. sun dried tomato and basil has recently become one of my fav combinations..pasta looks heavenly..delicious!!!

  10. I love sundried pesto and i am sure i would love this pasa dish.
    Looks yummy.

  11. Hi Namratha, thanks for visiting my blog :) You have an awesome space here. I loooved going through your creations. The prada bag cake is simply gorgeous! Fusilli with sun-dried tomato pesto is mouthwatering.

  12. I think I can make this eat a big pathre of the pasta then run off to the gym :P Will let you when I do it! Thanku!

  13. Sun dried tomato pesto sounds delicious...yummyyy.

  14. Yumm...pasta looks delicious with this pesto...

  15. Pesto looks tangy n yumm! I can have pasta n a simple pesto for the whole day!

  16. awesome looking pesto!!


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