Dora The Explorer Cake

This is one cake I have been long waiting to do. Ask any two or three old what their favourite show on tv is, and without a seconds hesitation, pat will come the reply "Dora The Explorer"!

I have seen so many versions of this cake online, and was waiting for a chance to make one myself. A friend ordered this for her three year old yesterday.

The detail work takes a while to do, but overall an easy cake.

It was a Marble Cake with Vanilla buttercream frosting and filling.

My friend said her daughter loved it and I had made her day....what more could I ask for? :)


  1. HeHe! Very cute!! Takes lot of work indeed, good job, Nams!

  2. THIS DORA CAKE IS MINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! why did u give it to someone else? :P hehehe .. awesomeeeee cake kane! great work!!

  3. My daughter saw this cake n yelled "MY DORA" :) awesome cake Namratha, u r too good!

  4. He he, I wish I am that 3 years old gal! What a cute Dora! Great work Nam!

  5. Oh this is wonderful -love-love-love it!!

    Rosie x

  6. I would also love to have this cake ;-)

  7. Nams, not only did u make the child's day, even the person reading this is getting a me! Hey DORA looks splendid..can u/stand the hours of efforts behind bringing the right shade n piping it-not to forget the baking, shaping part of it! My daughter wd love to have it as well, besides me n hub n son! :)

  8. Wow,
    that is a cute cake... I love Dora too

  9. can u plz post the recipie for vanilla butter cream frosting and how to prepare marble cake

  10. You must have the patience of a saint! The cake looks phenomenal, Namratha. Now you can start singing the Dora song, "We did it," but change it to I did it (for your awesome work)! :)

  11. check out EFM-Savory sreies round up and join with us in the EFM-Microwave oven series!

  12. Wow Namratha, what a cute cake. I'm afraid to show it to my daughter, she'll want a similar one for her b'day!

  13. so cute....great effort dear....


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